Welcome to my world! I am so glad to have you. Sometimes, I feel like the role of the school counselor in an elementary school can be quite misunderstood. Often when I tell people what I do for a living, I get responses like "Oh man, so you just deal with all of the bad kids, that must be awful", or "it must be pretty easy, it's not like kids in elementary schools have many problems". Now, I can totally understand why someone might have those misconceptions about the school counselor. Many people didn't have school counselors in elementary school, and those who did had a counselor whose role was likely very different than today's school counselor. It is my hope that by having this blog, maybe I can shed some light on what we do from day to day, as well as share resources, ideas, and what I'm sure will be hilarious stories about my little munchkins. Hopefully, this blog will allow you to see why it is that I love what I do so much!
On that note, it is back to school time for many of us in the education world, and with that can bring much excitement, happiness, and fun. However, there are also those feelings of anxiety, sadness, and discomfort that many of us (staff and students alike!) may be feeling. The biggest suggestion I have to help combat some of those feelings throughout the first week is pretty simple: Keep It Positive! By having a positive attitude, it can put others around you at ease. Your happiness can rub off on the person next to you, and maybe their happiness can rub off on someone else they encounter in the hallway. The first week of school always comes with some growing pains, but just keeping your cool, remembering to stay calm, and thinking about all of the fun you're going to have this year should help to ease some of that pain. And if that doesn't work, just take it one day at a time! You'll be in the groove before you know it. :-)
"Keep calm and counsel on!"
Until next time :-)
The Dignity of Their Experience
1 week ago
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